Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hot enough for ya?!

Is it hot enough for everyone?!  I'm sooo glad to be back my nice air conditioned apartment and not sweltering outside like I was earlier.  Good heavens I make one stop...stayed for possibly 2 hours...give or take an hour...and by the time we went back to the car we almost cooked waiting on the air to finally cool us off!  And this is a brand new car mind you...fantastic air conditioning system...yet we slow baked waiting to finally feel the air hit us.  The best thing was opening up my front door and feeling that blast of cool air rush towards me.

Ah...inside...air conditioner...cold glass of tea by my side...potato chips...and stupid stuff playing on the is good!! Lol!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Finally caught up!

Okay...finally feel like I've gotten somewhere as far as catching up!!  Evie is truly a trooper and steps right up to the plate when it's time to do some work on Cstyles!! What would I do without that girl?! And yay for EvaTer being back and getting better! Eva...hun...take care of yourself doll!

So with the forum caught up...for now...until the next update is due I've continued now working on least mentally...ideas and such that I want to incorporate into it. I think once it's up and fully functional it is going to be one hot spot for the more mature Simmers!!

Also I'm still working on the arcade section which has proven to be harder than I originally thought!  I want to have some multi-player games embedded on Cstyles so we can all schedule like a party and games night un-sim know...just a night off from the sims for a bit.

On another subject entirely...I was browsing the premium channels on cable this past weekend and I learned something new...I didn't know that we truly had real live Gigolo's and they are working in Vegas and it's legal! I thought that was just something that was invented for television and movies!! Some pretty hawt dudes on this show and it's more of a reality show...but it's all cool and not at all raunchy.  I consider it to be more 'informative' somewhat 'educational' as well as 'entertaining'.... Lol!