Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Monday again...already?!

So it's Monday already AGAIN...?!  Where did the weekend go?  I feel as if I've been ambushed...robbed...those two precious day's called...'weekend'...have cruelly been stolen from me!  Okay...maybe I exaggerate a tad...but I swear it does seem as if it still should be let's say...Saturday morning!

Yep...Saturday endless phone calls from solicitors trying to sell me some junk I don't need nor want, no scams telling me that I've won tons of money from some dead distant relative I've never met who resided in Africa!  Nope...Good ol' Saturday.

I'm too old for Saturday morning cartoons...nah...outgrew that years ago, and I really don't have to rush up out of bed to do laundry or housework because I live alone and...'who cares'!?  Who cares if I need to run the vacuum cleaner and dust the furniture? Who cares if the kitchen floor could use a good old on my knee's kind of scrub or my oven needs cleaning?  Who cares if I truly need to clean all the mirrors in each bathroom?

No one...or at least they shouldn't...if they aren't paying my rent then you have NO right to care! I don't care and I pay the rent!  I'm NOT living in filth mind you...could never tolerate't raised that way.  But I've learned that it isn't a necessity to race up bright and ton's of housework...only at the end of the day sit back, and although happy that I accomplished something...feeling a little irritated because was it really needed to do this massive amount of housework for myself?

Nope..I've learned to slow down and take it one day at a time...but back to the problem...who stole my weekend from me so I could decide NOT to do all that insane and inane housework?

Should I file charges?  Call the FBI or CIA...who stole those two glorious days from me and left not a hint behind?

Or should I just let it go and wait until the next weekend and pray the weekend thieves won't steal it away from me...

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