Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Monday...not so bad a thing this time around...I think...

Oh well...another weekend flew by....but at least this one was not a totally 'fly by' or waste!  I got to spend some time with my little 4 year old God daughter and we had  a blast! It feels so good sometimes to be able to drop down to their little level and just act a fool! Not too much of a fool...remember...they are very very impressionable at that age, but enough to make them giggle is all you need.

I am still amazed at how 'grown' these little boogers are!  We were at the dining table and just talking about different things and I asked her how her grandmother was doing and asked her if she got to see her much.  Not her maternal grandmother, her paternal grandmother and this little thing looks up from her dinner plate, rolled her little eyes and said in a somewhat exasperated tone..."I really don't want to talk about it."  What?!?  Are you kidding me, I just had a child, transform into an adult mind and speak to me like we were on an adult to adult conversation level!! Lol!!

So being observant and not wanting to step on her little toes, after laughing hysterically from her remark...I respected her wishes and dropped the subject...although I couldn't help but still giggle from time to time whenever I thought about it.'s been a pretty good weekend this time around, now...let's just pray that the week brings just as much promise!!

Be sure to check out Cstyles Exclusive August creations...totally awesome and more than worth the download!! Trust cc folder is screaming at me since we've acquired so many talented, I mean truly talented creators to our forum. I'm loving every minute of it!!!!

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