Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing...

Have you ever looked back on your life and wish somehow someone had never entered it?  I mean...NOW you can see that they were/are, NO good nothings but then, boy they pulled the wool over your eyes!  I mean...what is it about people who just totally walk around with a serious cloak of dishonesty surrounding them yet we can't see it?  Some of those people we can easily just toss over our shoulder and keep moving forward, but sometimes you have someone who came into your life like gangbusters and then left just as hard stomping all over you.

I'd rather know that this/these devious devilish people are who they are from the start and not later down the road. I rather others stop being afraid to let you know that this 'new' person in your life may not have your best interest at heart. I've seen times when someone said, after the hurt and tears...'oh...I so wanted to tell you how they were but I was scared to get in the middle'. What?! So you'd rather just stand by and wait for them to hurt me like you KNOW that they are going too?  Then I have to wonder...'what kind of friend are you?'

A true friend would tell me the moment they suspected that this person who has entered into my space, my life, that something may not be as it seems.  A true friend would at least warn you to stay on your toes around this person. A true friend doesn't stand by and wait for the hurt and THEN think they are being a true and helpful friend by coming forward after the fact.

I'd rather someone be a little mad at me because I forewarned them than to wait and have to console them later because I possibly could have averted or even prevented the pain. Maybe this bad person won't do a thing to them, but still...if YOU know they are un-trusthworthy and have a terrible history...and terrible track record for lies, deceit and hurt...I'd still feel better making you aware of this.

If you are my true friend as I am yours...you will know that I'm not saying anything to be mean or cause trouble; you will know that I'm saying this to help you...not hurt you.  I'm trying to help you put on your armor and shield BEFORE the dragon attacks...better to be safe than sorry.


  1. *HUGS* It's an awful feeling, finding out that someone isn't as wonderful as you first thought. I hope this person doesn't end up hurting you, Cece. I've been hurt many, many times because people promised me things that I never received. People who I hold dear as friends still lie to me... It's the most horrible feeling in the world to be lied to, in my opinion, by those that you love. It's a very hard thing to forgive. But when we form an idea that someone will be like this, and they end up like that, that can be even harder. Shakes you at your core.

  2. Agreed Mary. It also makes you so wary of new people that enter your life. Unfairly you automatically prejudge them and that is so unfair to these new people in your life.
    I wish there was a pill you could take to just erase bad past experiences so you could face each new one baggage free!

  3. Hi
    I am sorry to say that we, Brian and myself, have had enough of the backstabbing and maliciousnous of certain members of the sims community. We feel as though no matter how hard we try we just continually get put down and bullied by Cecesaun from Cstyles along with Q-Girl also known as ( Lisa Davies, Dannika West, Millies Charms, Morgannas Doll, Simderella to name but a few of her alias names) Q was meant to be a friend someone we trusted and cared for who has done more damage than she will ever know. For this we thank you for adding to this decision. Another trusted friend who seems to have turned is Broomhilda aka Julie Davies, yep she is Lisa's sister so I guess its true, blood is thicker than water. We have constantly been assused of stealing ideas and creative styles form cece. We have been bullied from the start why ?? We wanted to start a forum, very petty isnt it, well CECE you win as bullies usually do, but we will not go quietly OH NO you dont get away that easily.
    Cece here is what you have done and I hope you are proud of yourself.
    1. You accused us of stealing ideas
    2. You accused me of stealing your creative style
    3. You got us banned from using a link on facebook
    4. You tried to hack into our FB accounts (law enforcement traced it to Texas, oh where do you live?? TEXAS)
    5. MS3B would not post any of our creations posted to the forum or blogs, why?? YOU asked them not to.
    6. You were the one who apparently according to Q, who was being the s**t stirrer between the lot of us on Cstyles.
    7. You reported us to forumotion and what did they do NOTHING....there was no grounds to complain.
    To shyne aka Mary, dont trust certain people we only banned you from A to B on the recommendation from Q. You have always been kind to me on my blog and other places and for the ban I am sorry. You did however call us backstabbers on the Cstyles chat box.
    Well we have come to a decision and A to B is closing its doors. Both of us have decided to leave the sims community and go back to playing for fun, no more sharing our creations, no more joining or running comps, nothing. Its got to the stage where we feel no-one can be trusted apart from a handful of friends and they know who they are. I thank you for your honesty and friendship.

  4. So backstabbing people doesn't make you a backstabber? lol And you guys banned me because you were afraid I was a spy. Whether or not it was Q's idea, you still had the power to keep me as a member. The only involvement I've had in the whole situation has been to counsel Cece and listened to what Q had to say about the whole situation. I honestly don't know who's telling the truth, who's lying, and what to think of it. But one thing I do know: This whole situation has been blown out of proportion. You feel like you've been wronged and singled out... and Cece feels like she's been wronged as well. I remember the day I started to post on my blog - people accused me of being someone I'm not. I was wronged then, so I know how much it hurts etc. But the best way to deal with things is to move on from them... coming over here to Cece's blog and telling her she is blatantly wrong isn't gonna solve anything - of course you feel that way, you're the other party lol You really think that Cece is going to change her mind about anything? She's taken it this far, why should she back down? She felt that you were threatening her forum, and she reacted the way that she chose to. And you felt threatened by her reactions, so you reacted the way you have now... I don't think you should close A to B just because of one person. And Q left you guys before I spoke to her myself. I offered her a place at my blog because she told me that she was leaving you guys, not "Leave A to B and come to the darkside" lol I just didn't want to see such a wonderful creator go to waste... Whatever happened between you guys is none of my business - I hold no grudges or bias. All I know is that I thought I was welcome at A to B, but it turns out I wasn't because I had an opinion on the matter lol Well sorry, but just because I have an opinion doesn't mean I have a 'side'. If you wanted you could share on my blog as well, Angie, I am not biased in that respect. I don't hold too many personal preferences over the internet... you don't know who I am in real life, no matter how much information I share. So I don't care if you can take a personal opinion about me as a person based on what you know - it's not the whole or real me, just who I am on the internet. And I believe the same applies to you.

    What I'm really trying to say is: Stop worrying so much about the whole thing and just enjoy the Sims 3, that's what Q and I are doing :)

  5. I know that nobody cares what I think lol but I'd like to give a single opinion.
    You're both wrong in parts (It's what I think).
    You should stop accusing in front of everyone. Why don't you just "sit" and talk with no one around?
    This is a matter of you and sincerely, this is unnecessary to each of you.
    I know we all have feelings and have to express them, but this is the internet and not one or two people who read what we write, is the whole world.
    So I think you should talk alone (I don't know if have done it, if so, sorry) and should resolve this without the eyes of others.
    I'm not in "C" side or "A" side from the beginning and I left it plain to you two.
    Anyway, I typed, I typed, but what I mean is to put everything in the views of others will not solve the problem of yourselves, the only thing that will end this confusion is a conversation between you two.
    And as Mary said:
    "Stop worrying so much about the whole thing and just enjoy the Sims 3

  6. @ Juliana i'm very greatful to you as a person. you are a true friend to both sides. but as far as sitting down and talking about this. cece can go to hell. iv'e said what i need to and thats that. to everyone that has read this i'm truly sorry you had to see this. but cece has just gone to far and it had to be said. @ Juliana. i really do get your point about putting this all over the internet. but when someone dose you what cece did to us you just can't hold back on saying what you are feeling. no matter where you say it. so thank you for trying to help. and thank you to everyone else who has tryed to help. but if you know the hole story you would understand more. :)

  7. Excuse me madams and sirs, I am looking for an aussie that goes by the name of Lochness, MissLochness? Anyone?
