Saturday, July 16, 2011

I know you are probably thinking....'what the heck...why has she started a blog'?

...And I will tell you why.  With a forum you are not able to really 'speak' out on some things that may be of a more personal nature.  With Cstyles being a gaming forum, primarily a Sims gaming can be a tad uncomfortable to myself and I'm sure to others if I feel like I just need to talk about something totally outside the realm of Cstyles.  I probably won't post much...just when the urge hits me, and it probably will be mostly bullsh*t that I talk about not unless we get a new premonition of the end of the world coming soon! Lol!  I don't know...maybe I shouldn't make light of could be true one of these day's.

Any this is the reason for this blog...and who might not even be here after a month and that's cool also. All in all it might prove to be way too much to try to keep up with Cstyles, Elite and not to mention Cstyles on facebook is seriously behind in updates...oh...almost forgot to add real life. ::howdidialmostforgetreallife::

See...already it's proving to be more than my wittle brain can handle...after all...I never have claimed to have this 'multi-tasking' thing down pat!

1 comment:

  1. Blogs are wonderful cece, mainly because you can say whatever the fack you want, share whatever the fack you want, decorate however the fack you want, and be you. Plus it'll always be here, maybe you get busy for a few months and don't post, you can always come back when you feel like it and post whatever you want and your followers will see and come and read. :D P.S. I'm so happy you have a blog now!
