Saturday, July 16, 2011

Murdering Mommy Is Free... :(

So many of you have heard of the Casey Anthony trial (tried for killing her baby daughter) and for some insane reason the jury found her NOT guilty!

I try to be neutral in as many areas as possible, but how in the heck do you see her as innocent. Little babies don't duct tape their own mouths!! of now...Casey Anthony is a free woman.  She has been released and is free to do whatever she wants.

Did you see how she dressed all through the trial...looking like Grandma Moses?  Yet the very next day, after her verdict was handed down she comes in court all dolled up!  Hair flowing and down actually looking washed for the first time. Face full of makeup and bright lipstick that enhanced that witches smile!!

Did anyone see fangs?!  I guess she can hide them in daylight...too bad she didn't burn when the daylight hit her face.

But all in all...the truly sad part is that beautiful baby dead (murdered) cold, who will no longer see the daylight.  She will not be going to first grade, graduate from High School, have her first boyfriend, enter college...get married or have little babies of her own. No...that is all gone and nothing more is left than 'what if's and could have been's'...

Rest in Peace baby girl...

1 comment:

  1. I'm not even that little girls mother and I cry for her when I see her online or on the TV, yet her mother could stare at her bones in the court room and not shed a tear? C'mon, that bitch is crazy. I don't know how anyone could do that to a little girl, she's so precious...
